5 Ways Organizing Helps Mental Health

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? We are going to take this month to focus on how organizing helps mental health. Decluttering and being organized can have a significant positive impact on mental health. Here are 5 ways organizing helps mental health:

Organizing reduces stress and anxiety…

Clutter and disorganization create a sense of chaos and can make you overwhelmed. This can obviously lead to increased stress levels. When you have a decluttered and organized environment, you create a more calming and peaceful space. Taking time to plan how you are going to get and stay organized will make all the difference in the world. It is important to be able to identify the clutter so that you are able to tackle the project. Something as simple as going paperless and decluttering and organizing your documents could be the means of reducing stress and anxiety in your life! 

Organizing boosts your mood…

Living in a disorganized environment can contribute to feelings of helplessness and frustration. This can lead to depression and anxiety. While depression and organizing appear to have a complicated relationship, organization really can help with depression. When tasks like decluttering and organizing are accomplished, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. This in turn can boost your mood. Here are five spaces that make your home look more cluttered than it actually is. One of these places is a great place to start in looking for a project. Not only will the spaces being organized boost your mood, but you will experience a sense of accomplishment by completing the project.

Organizing improves your ability to focus…

A cluttered space can be distracting and make it difficult to focus on tasks at hand. By organizing your environment, you can create a more conducive space for concentration, which can improve productivity and reduce feelings of frustration. If you have ADHD then you know that ADHD can present challenges when it comes to getting and staying organized. Here are some solutions for ADHD challenges. Our professional organizers at Abundance Organizing have not only learned themselves how to be extremely productive with their ADHD, but are now working in the organizing and productivity industry to help others with the same struggle to thrive as well. Organizing really does improve your ability to focus!

Organizing encourages healthy habits…

When we have an organized environment, it can be easier to establish healthy habits like exercise and meal planning. A well-organized kitchen, for example, can make it easier to prepare healthy meals, while a tidy bedroom can create a more restful environment for sleep. Building back to school routines, such as a school lunch process, is yet another example of how an organized environment can make establishing healthy habits easier. 

Organizing helps you save money and time…

When you are organized, it helps you to not buy the same item again, and keeps you from looking everywhere for the item you need. You really do save money and time when you stay organized. Letting items go and decluttering can be very difficult. But you actually save time and money when you do so! Keeping stuff that you do not need actually costs you. For more on this, especially if you are in a season of downsizing or helping a loved one to downsize, here’s a great podcast for you: Downsizing with an Abundance Mindset.

Overall, organizing can have a positive impact on mental health by reducing stress, improving focus, boosting mood, encouraging healthy habits, and saving you money and time. What else would you add to these 5 ways that organizing helps mental health? How does organizing help your mental health? Be sure to share and check out what others are saying in our Facebook Abundance Declutter Group!

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